Wednesday, September 10, 2008


My name is Jerry Kass. I'm 83 years old and have a lifetime of stories to share with you. American as Apple Pie, The Life Story of Jerry Kass, was written to enlighten you in regard to my exploits. For those of you that have never experienced WWII, The Korean War, or what it's like to be a firefighter running into a burning building, or just being a father and husband trying to raise a good family, this book is for you. You may ask yourself, why you would want to know my life story and what benefit does the information therein has for you. First of all, I am one of the elite few individuals in the United States today that has lived a portion of our history and ~m still around to share it with you. Patriotism is defined in many circles as the love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it, a value that we all should remember. American as Apple Pie, The Life Story of Jerry Kass fills the gap that appears to be growing wider, to re-examine what those values are. This book reaches out to the average American as a realistic, simple, happy way of life. “Tom Brokaw defines the greatest generation in his book, The Greatest Generation, as "America's citizen heroes and heroines who came of age during the Great Depression and the Second World War and went on to build modern America This generation was united not only by a common purpose, but also by common values--duty, honor, economy, courage, service, love of family and country, and, above all, responsibility for oneself." (Brokaw, 2001) I am of that greatest generation and proud of it. The important factor to remember when discussing the greatest generation in this book, is that when our country was involved in WW II, this country stood together in one great mass of patriotism that garnered self-sacrifice, honor, and duty towards this country and the men and women that fought for it. Going to and living in Germany doesn't make me a German. Going; to and living in France doesn't make me a Frenchman. But coming to and living in America, makes me an American. American as Apple Pie, The Life Story of Jerry Kass explores life through my eyes and experiences. These experiences are shared with enthusiasm, knowledge, caring, and understanding, for you to experience as I did. From a family man, firefighter, WWII veteran, pilot, songwriter, dancer, stonemason, house mover, to a poet, this book can be enjoyed and shared by all.

1 comment:

chumly said...

Thank you for what you have done.

The Making of: Red, White and Blue